Let's Do The Timeout Again!

Using JavaScript to create special effects in Theatre

by Chris Uehlinger (@Uehreka)



Beat Matching in JS

let theVid = document.getElementById('science');
let lastTapTime = Date.now();
let tapTimes = [];

// Initialize with tapTimes that would average to 110bpm
for(i=0; i < 5; i++){
  tapTimes[i] = 0.545454545454;

window.addEventListener('keydown', () => {
  let timeSinceLastTap = (Date.now() - lastTapTime) / 1000;

  let avgInterval = tapTimes.reduce((avg, interval) => {
    return avg + interval/tapTimes.length
  }, 0);

  let beatsPerMinute = 60 / avgInterval;
  theVid.playbackRate = beatsPerMinute / 110;
  lastTapTime = Date.now();

Monitor Footage


Seriously.js Example

const seriously = new Seriously();
let source = seriously.source('#remoteVideo'); // A <video> element
let filmgrain = seriously.effect('filmgrain');
let target = seriously.target('#target'); // A <canvas> element

// Send the source to the filmgrain filter
filmgrain.source = source;

// Render the output of the filmgrain filter to the canvas
target.source = filmgrain;

// Call this to start the effect
seriously.go(function (now) {
  filmgrain.time = now / 200; // Helps randomize the filmgrain

Seriously.js Webcam Example

const seriously = new Seriously();
let source = seriously.source('camera'); // The user's webcam feed
let filmgrain = seriously.effect('filmgrain');
let target = seriously.target('#target'); // A <canvas> element

// Send the webcam feed to the filmgrain filter
filmgrain.source = source;

// Render the output of the filmgrain filter to the canvas
target.source = filmgrain;

// Call this to start the effect
seriously.go(function (now) {
  filmgrain.time = now / 200; // Helps randomize the filmgrain

Cue list

let playlist = [
  "description": "Act 1 Intro",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-1-intro/intro.mp4"
  "description": "Indianapolis House",
  "type": "PAGE",
  "description": "Switch to Church",
  "type": "GO"
  "description": "Switch Back to Indianapolis House",
  "type": "GO"
  "description": "Turn Off Projection",
  "type": "OFF"
  "description": "Act 1->2 Transition",
  "type": "PAGE",
  "href": "/1-2-transition/index.html"
  "description": "Turn off projector",
  "type": "OFF"
  "description": "Voiceover 1",
  "type": "PAGE",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/vo1.html"
  "description": "Live Feed",
  "type": "LIVE",
  "luma": false
  "description": "Voiceover 3",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo-3.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 4",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo4.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 5",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo-5.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 6",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo6.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 7",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo7.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 8",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo8.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 9",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo9.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 10",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo10.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 11",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo11.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 12",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo12.mp4"
  "description": "Voiceover 13",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-2-voiceovers/final-cuts/vo13.mp4"
  "description": "Live Feed",
  "type": "LIVE",
  "luma": true
  "description": "End Live Feed",
  "type": "OFF"
  "description": "Act 3 Intro",
  "type": "VIDEO",
  "href": "/act-3/act-3-intro.mp4"
  "description": "Turn off projector",
  "type": "OFF"
  "description": "Act 3 Outro",
  "type": "FINAL_MONTAGE",
  "description": "Turn Off Projector",
  "type": "OFF"

Cue-linger Control Panel Page

$scope.sendStage = (cue) => {
  $scope.model.currentStaged = cue
  socket.emit('staging:control', cue);

$scope.sendCue = (cue) => {
  $scope.model.currentPlaying = cue;
  $scope.model.currentStaged = null;
  socket.emit('play:control', cue);

$scope.sendRefresh = () => {
  socket.emit('refresh:control', {});

$scope.bail = () => {
    description: 'BAILED',
    type: 'OFF'

Cue-linger Server Side

io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('staging:control', function (data) {
  io.emit('staging:display', data);
socket.on('play:control', function (data) {
  io.emit('play:display', data);
socket.on('refresh:control', function (data) {
  io.emit('refresh:display', data);

Cue-linger Display Page

// First, find out which display this is
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const displayId = +urlParams.get('id');

if(displayId === 0) {
  $('body').append(`<iframe class="live-feed-frame hidden" allow="microphone; camera" src="https://6836ac72.ngrok.io/index.html?host=true"></iframe>`);

let staging = null;
let playing = null;

var socket = io.connect(`https://${location.host}`);

socket.on('staging:display', function (cue) {
  console.log('staging', cue);
  staging = cue;

  if($('.staging').length > 0){
    if($('.staging').hasClass('live-feed-frame')) {
    } else {

  if(displayId === 0) {
    switch (cue.type) {
      case TYPES.VIDEO:
        $('.cue-bag').append(`<video class="staging" src="https://${location.host}${cue.href}" muted></video>`);
      case TYPES.PAGE:
        $('.cue-bag').append(`<iframe class="staging" src="https://${location.host}${cue.href}"></iframe>`);
      case TYPES.GO: break;
      case TYPES.LIVE:
        $('.live-feed-frame')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ command: 'STOP' }), '*');

    case TYPES.OFF: break;
        $('.cue-bag').append(`<iframe class="staging" src="https://${location.host}/act-3-final/index.html?displayid=${displayId}" muted></iframe>`);

socket.on('play:display', function (cue) {
  console.log('play', cue);
  playing = cue;
  staging = null;

  if(displayId === 0) {
    switch (cue.type) {
      case TYPES.VIDEO:
        $('.playing').on('ended', e => {
      case TYPES.PAGE:
        $('.playing')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ command: 'START' }), '*');
      case TYPES.GO:
        $('.playing')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ command: 'NEXT' }), '*');
      case TYPES.LIVE:
        $('.playing')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ command: 'START', luma: cue.luma }), '*');

    case TYPES.OFF:
      $('.playing')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ command: 'START' }), '*');

  if($('.done').length > 0){
    if($('.done').hasClass('live-feed-frame')) {
    } else {


socket.on('refresh:display', function () {


  • RTC === "Real Time Communication"
  • A browser API with 2 purposes:
    • Get the user's webcam and microphone feed
    • Send streams of audio, video and data between users (directly, Peer2Peer)


let constraints = {
  audio: true,
  video: {
    width: { min: 1024, ideal: 1280, max: 1920 },
    height: { min: 776, ideal: 720, max: 1080 },
    facingMode: 'user'

let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
let videoEl = document.getElementById('myVideo');

videoEl.srcObject = stream;

// Old (deprecated) syntax:
// video.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);

Using the video stream

video {
  animation: video-effects 5s infinite;

@keyframes video-effects {
  0% {
    filter: blur(0px) hue-rotate(0deg);
    transform: rotate(0deg);

  50% {
    filter: blur(10px) hue-rotate(180deg);

  100% {
    filter: blur(0px) hue-rotate(360deg);
    transform: rotate(360deg);

Using the Audio Stream

Thanks for watching!

  • @Uehreka on Twitter
  • @chrisuehlinger on GitHub
  • Lots of demos over at chrisuehlinger.com
  • Check the Slack for notes!